In my 25 years of practice I have witnessed the direct and indirect effects of trauma in the lives of so many of my clients. I have tried to offer them a broader context in which to understand it, and thus allow the person beyond the trauma to be seen.
More and more, too, we are seeing the evidence, in both acute and chronic ways, of trauma lodged deeply within the collective psyche, arguably behind much of the extreme disfunction we see globally.
Perhaps it could be argued that we all suffer trauma - the primal separation from mother at birth, for example - but many of us, and in increasingly numbers, go on to experience repeated acute or chronic traumas through our childhood and later life. I believe sensitive use pf astrology offers an incredibly important means by which we can start to separate from an identification with our trauma past, and unlock the meaning and healing contained within it.
In this webinar I would like to contribute to the understanding of trauma from an astrological direction. We will look at how we might locate and understand trauma in the birth chart, both natally and in transit, and look at approaches to healing its effects. We will also consider trauma in the collective.
The webinar is open to all, at any stage of your astrological journey.
Cost: NZ$40
Click to book your place. The link to join the webinar will be sent the day before it takes place.