Ayurveda & Astrology Retreat
A three day nourishing retreat to further develop and explore the conversations between these two ancient practices, with a focus on RELATIONSHIP
with Anja Foley and Graham Ibell
9th - 12th March 2023
WaiHoanga river lodge and retreat, Otaki, NZ
These are still extraordinary times! Times that call for vibrant health and a keen awareness of our individual nature - mind, body and soul. After the success of our earlier retreat I will once again be co-facilitating with Anja Foley, experienced Ayurvedic practitioner and yoga teacher. I’m excited by this opportunity to further develop my keen interest in an embodied astrology, bringing the cosmic to earth, alongside an expert in deep health and well-being. This retreat builds on this exciting infusion through the theme of relationship, giving you new insight and tools for working on all levels of relating.
Ayurveda & astrology Retreat
A three day winter retreat for wellbeing - mind, body and spirit
with Anja Foley and Graham Ibell
15th - 18th July 2022
WaiHoanga river lodge and retreat, Otaki, NZ
These are extraordinary times. Times that call for vibrant health and a keen awareness of our individual nature - mind, body and soul. In this innovative and restorative retreat I will be working with co-facilitator Anja Foley, experienced Ayurvedic practitioner and yoga teacher. I’m excited by this opportunity to further develop my keen interest in an embodied astrology, bringing the cosmic to earth, alongside an expert in well-being. Through combining our knowledge and expertise in Ayurveda and Astrology we will help you meet these current demands more awake, resourceful and resilient.
3rd - 5th April 2020
Bella Rahka Retreat Centre, Oratia, Auckland, NZ.
This is the second retreat in the series of Embodied Astrology Trainings - see May 2019 below.
Astrology Embodied
Astrology is normally learned through the intellect, whether it’s on-line, through books or classes or in conversations. Rarely do we have a chance to drop into a feeling sense of the zodiac signs, experience the planets directly in the body, notice the meaningful astrology that’s always alive in our world.
In this exciting retreat, building on their highly successful one last May, experienced astrologers Christine and Graham will be midwifing a journey into a direct astrological experience; one in which you will learn or deepen your astrology via movement, sensations, embodiment, dreams, synchronicities, conversations, subtle awareness, the imagination - in fact through all six senses!
In the footsteps of Pythia - the modern practice of divination
16th to 18th August 2019, Strathean Retreat, Otaki, New Zealand.
A weekend retreat exploring divination led by experienced professional diviners Graham Ibell, Fern Mercier & Anita Mortlock,
$390 for the weekend if $100 deposit received by 31st July, $420 thereafter
Humans have always asked for guidance - whether from the ancestors, the gods, nature or the unconscious. Until recently this was carried out by a trained seer, a shaman, priestess or priest. We are now being called to develop our own personal conversation with the divine, hence many are using various divination systems regularly in our own lives, whether the quick flip of a coin to make a simple decision or the slow contemplative spread of cards to help us clarify a preoccupying issue.
This retreat provides a unique and exciting opportunity to work with different divinatory systems, share and learn new approaches and methodologies, discuss the ethical, philosophical and archetypal dimensions, and offer insight and reflection on each others divinations. Sessions will be focused around four major divinatory methods: the Tarot, the Runes, Astrology and the I Ching, but others may also be included, including dream work, nature divination and more.
Ideally you will have some background in one or more of these main systems, but this is certainly not essential. What is most important is openness, trust, and the ability to work with symbol.
Embodied Astrology:
an Astrology Retreat
with Christine Broadbent, Graham Ibell and Greer Sweetman
3 - 5 May 2019, Bella Rakha Retreat Centre, Oratia, Auckland.
Astrology is normally learned through the intellect, whether it’s on-line, through books or classes or in conversations. Rarely do we have a chance to drop into a feeling sense of the zodiac signs, experience the planets directly in the body, encounter meaningful astrology always alive in the world that we move through.
In this exciting retreat, experienced astrologers Christine Broadbent (Australia) and Graham Ibell (NZ), assisted by Greer Sweetman, will be midwifing a journey into a direct astrological experience; one in which you will learn or deepen your astrology via movement, sensations, embodiment, dreams, synchronicities, conversations, subtle awareness, the imagination - in fact through all six senses!
Perfect for adventurous beginners and intermediate students alike, this weekend promises to be an unforgettable encounter - with yourself, with others and with the world. More information on the retreat, its content and the venue can be found here.
Full Residential cost: $500 all inclusive, if $100 deposit received by 23rd March, else $560 (please enquire for Non-Residential options)
To enquire or make your booking, email Christine christine@astrologyspot.com.au.
Light and Shadow
15 - 17 June 2018
This weekend we will be using astrology and the mandala of the birth chart, with its implicit message of wholeness, to shed light on our shadows - that in ourselves of which we are in denial, judging, fearful, disconnected, ashamed etc. - and to help us move beyond polarised thinking. Whilst astrology makes no judgements - nothing in a chart is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ - it can be invaluable in helping understand why we choose to deny aspects of ourselves, pointing to paths of integration or consciousness, and enabling us to step into our wholeness. Click for more.
The Art of Relating
6-8 October 2017
Over this weekend we will come together to use the infinitely articulate language of astrology to examine many levels of relating, from the individual to the collective. You will be inspired through a combination of classroom teaching, exercises, chart studies, group discussion, ‘active’ astrology, inner work and contemplation, and story telling. Click for more.
30 July - 1 August 2010
Over the last year several significant planetary cycles have been building to a co-ordinated crescendo, the first such ‘gathering’ for over 40 years. All the slower-moving planets except Neptune are in significant geometric alignment over 2010, peaking - and joined by catalyst Mars - at the very end of July. Such a configuration signifies deep challenge and enforced change at both the global and personal fronts. As these planetary gods come together in cosmic conversation, so too should we... Click for more