The laying of a foundation stone would take place in a carefully timed ceremony in India. Here begins a cricket facility in Dambulla
Astrological Elections
No, these are not predictions of political elections - as interesting at these may be. An election in the astrological sense is the choosing of the most auspicious moment at which to launch an initiative. This might be starting a business or website, setting up a practice, getting married, putting the house on the market, sending off an important job application, having an operation or whatever.
Once the astrologer is clear of the client’s parameters - the initiative itself, the ideal time period in which it can or should take place, the location - they will study relevant planet positions and movements and the client’s own birth map, coming to propose one or more charts considered most ideal for the circumstances and the person concerned.
It’s not that long ago that all significant beginnings - coronations, wars, building projects etc. - would have had astrological guidance. Queen Elizabeth the first coronation time, having been elected by her magus John Dee, is a well-known example. Perhaps less well-known is the frequent use of electional astrology by US president Ronald Reagan, sometimes meaning significant meetings were held at fairly odd hours!
If you’re interested in discussing an initiative you would like to align auspiciously with the cosmos, email me the details and we can discuss it. On completion of the work you would be sent a short report detailing when I believe you would be best to get the ball rolling. The cost of this is found on my Prices page.