
Astrological Maps for Christchurch City, New Zealand

Astrological Maps for Christchurch City, New Zealand

Two astrological charts for Christchurch City, New Zealand, and their historical background and discussed, and their sensitivity to some recent and historical events outlined. Both are shown to be of relevance, with the ‘First Four Ships’ chart of the 16th December 1850 favoured slightly by virtue of being the older and more sensitive to directions.

Shocking news: A major earthquake for Wellington in the coming two years?

Shocking news: A major earthquake for Wellington in the coming two years?

Shocking news: A major earthquake in the Wellington area in the period 2018-2020?

Graham Ibell, July 2018


I consider the astrological evidence for their being a sizeable and destructive earthquake in the Wellington region, New Zealand, that would have significant physical and social impact in the coming five years. Without being able to be definitive, I propose that the next two or three years are arguably the most likely for such an earthquake, citing the months around January 2019 as particularly significant. Locating it to a specific region is difficult, but its impact on Wellington city itself is suggested. Philosophical impediments to such predictive work are also discussed.