A Few Thoughts on the Current Astrological Picture With Respect to the NZ vaccine mandate situation.

Following on from the highly intense Saturn-Pluto alignment of control, oppression and shadow-projection of 2019/20 (see Note 1 below), the evolving astrological picture shows a period of extreme volatility for the world and for New Zealand over 2021 with a series of three squares between Saturn and Uranus. The ‘conversation’ between these two image a polarising between extremes: convention against the radical, tradition versus the revolutionary, human law against cosmic principle, entrapment versus freedom, rigid adherence to social responsibility versus breaking into new paradigms, protective structures versus risky innovation.  These planets being in change-resistant ‘fixed’ signs (Aquarius and Taurus), entrenched and inflexible positions are vulnerable to sudden cracking, even to enantiodromia (the rapid reversal of an extreme position to its opposite).

Whilst staying awake as to where we locate ourselves in the current situation is important, so too is being able to hold the tensions of these opposites within ourselves, lest an extreme position disconnected from an awareness of its opposite invokes such a snapping and/or energetically contributes to ruptures at a collective level. Such ruptures will inevitably tear both human (Aquarius) and Earth/Gaia (Taurus) fabric. And this is to say nothing of the impact this may have on us personally, mind and body.

As we head to the last of the three Saturn-Uranus squares just before Christmas this year - already indicative of a time of escalating tension, bringing to a head that which the year so far has been wrestling with as described above - it’s salient to note the arriving of Mars in fiercely passionate Scorpio, in a challenging relationship with this square over the coming few days (8th - 21st November 2021). This could be seen as suggesting a trigger or surge of intense and relentless, even obsessive, force aimed at bringing things to light, pushing the polarisation towards some sort of confrontation and ultimate resolution. There is a risk of righteous violence, which could become the justification for further violations.

It’s also interesting to see this all taking place within the broader context of New Zealand going through another Uranus return. Working from a perhaps controversial but highly sensitive chart for New Zealand (calculated for the time of Captain Cook’s landfall in October 1769), which has Uranus at 10º28’ Taurus in the 2nd house, we see 2020-22 to be the beginning of the country’s fourth 84-year Uranus cycle. Looking at this cycle as a series of returns and oppositions (oppositions take place around 42 years after the conjunction) some interesting themes emerge which may also shed light on the energy, risk and opportunity of this period - see below.

It is with hope and faith I hold the possibility that the coming two months will bring a significant shift, a breakthrough, towards a more inclusive, less polarised, and a more equitable, tolerant and deeply free New Zealand and world.


 Note 1: According to astrologer Richard Tarnas in his article on world transits this alignment is associated with, amongst other energies and phenomena, an “intensification of division and hostile conflict, greater ambience of threat and danger, tendencies towards authoritarianism and tyranny, totalitarian impulses, mass unemployment and economic hardship, organized violence and oppression, mass suffering and death, historical trauma, grave endings, scapegoating and projection of shadow, rigid or rigorous discipline, extreme capacity for sustained effort and systematic organization of resources, and the will to confront situations of mortal danger and moral darkness, whether the shadow within or evil without.” (World Transits 2000-2020 — an overview”, in The Archai Journal 1, p. 172)

The Uranus cycle within New Zealand’s (Cook) chart

  1. Opposition 1809/10

    1. The Boyd Massacre in December 1809

  2. Conjunction 1853-55

    1. The Wellington earthquake in January 1855, in which much of Wellington CBD was raised from seabed.

    2. NZ Constitution Act, January 1853

    3. First NZ election, July 1853

  1. Opposition 1893, Triple with the last one October 1893

    1. All women given right to vote, 19th Sept 1893

    2. First woman mayor in the British Empire, 16th January 1894, elections having been held in November 1893

  2. Conjunction, 1937/38

    1. Fiordland 7.0 Ritcher earthquake, 10th February 1939

    2. Labour Government voted in for first term ever in 1935, and again 1938. A time of building of state-housing, the reserve bank and a strengthening of labour laws and unions.

  1. Opposition, 1976/77 (Dec ’76, April & Oct 77)

    1. Recession June 1976 - March 1978 (Muldoon)

    2. Treaty of Waitangi Act, establishing the Waitangi Tribunal, 10th October 1975

    3. Bastion Point occupied from 5th January 1977

    4. Raglan Golf Course occupied by Eva Rickard from 12th February 1978.

    5. Gleneagles Agreement (anti-apartheid) signed

  2. Conjunction 2020-21 (July & Sept ’20, April ’21. Dec ‘21-Feb ’22 <1º)
