Recently I completed a whole year without eating. Now let me explain. I haven’t become a breatharian. But I do fast one day every week, and, I have now done this for over 7 years. That’s 365 fast days. A year without eating.
In this short piece, using Gemini as a case study, I explore how the essence of a Zodiac sign’s symbol - the twins for Gemini, the lion for Leo etc - can reveal itself so significantly in a biography. And I put my support behind the Sun as not only the key overseeing of individuation but of humanity’s spiritual evolution.
From my recent time in Switzerland I became acquainted with a genre of art referred to as ‘Outsider Art’, or Art Brut. I found the works confronting, exciting, compelling, intriguing, sometimes beautiful, and almost always touching. Given the number of these artists creating out of mental torture from within asylums or psychiatric institutions after often excruciating starts to their lives I was fascinated by implications: who defines ‘normal’ or ‘inside’ (as opposed to ‘outside’)? Is the impulse (and therefore perhaps all art?) Self-generated ‘healing’ or self-soothing? If so, could it lead to ‘cure’? How might the average person, less troubled than these, learn from this? What might we learn from their horoscopes?