Most astrologers know that the chart arising from an important initiative yields useful and accurate information on the ‘personality’ and destiny of the initiative that can really help us know and navigate it well. Analogous to the birth map of a human, we can chart the life of a business or a marriage based on the moment of its ‘birth’. Electional Astrology turns that around, and posits that we can help create the most appropriate energies or destiny for an initiative through selecting an auspicious time at which to ‘birth’ it. You can read a little more about this on my page on Astrological Elections.
This workshop shares some important approaches and techniques for simplifying what is in fact often a difficult and laborious, even if rewarding, process. As well as learning the theory, and seeing it in action in examples, you will have the opportunity to work on electing the best time for an initiative close to you heart.
Prerequisites: you will need to have a good understanding of the basic lexicon of the astrological language to get the most from this short course.
Four Friday mornings, weekly, from 9-11am NZ local time (21:00-23:00 GMT Thursdays). Cost NZ$360
Book these workshops here or make an enquiry about the classes.