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Horary Astrology - an Introduction

Horary is a fascinating and practical use of astrology that enables us to use the heavens and our symbolic approach to answer specific and often practical questions. These could be such as “Should I sell the house before Christmas?” or “Where is my wallet & will I get it back?” or “Where is my relationship with Chantelle going”. This is astrology at its most explicitly divinatory; a technique capable of great subtlety, elegance & precision. 

In this series of six workshops I will be introducing this technique to those new to the subject . You will learn the important principles and approaches unique to horary and how to start making simple judgements. Included are: the question, locating significators, house craft, assessing planet strengths, denials of perfection, perfection, and more. There will be up to an hour of homework between workshops.

Prerequisites: Ideally you will have some understanding of basic astrology - ie. Sign, Planet and House meanings.

Students may like to also attend the Horary Forum I am running monthly on Wednesday evenings bi-monthly. These would provide an ideal opportunity to put your learning into practice, or just observe others using their horary skills. There is one on the Wednesday immediately following the end of this workshop series.

The six classes for this workshop take place on Zoom, from 7-9pm NZ local time, weekly on Wednesdays. Cost: NZ$395. Book or enquire about this series of workshops here.